DECODAGE, 20 juin 2024, 11h00

Ce jeudi 20 Juin, le DECODage aura lieu entre 11h et 12h.
Nous accueillerons Emilie Le Luherne, actuellement en postdoc aux Falklands et de passage à Lorient. Emilie nous parlera des résultats de son postdoc au sein de DECOD, sur le changement de distribution des espèces de l’Atlantique Nord-Est au cours des deux dernières décennies.

Changement de distribution des espèces de l'Atlantique Nord-Est au cours des deux dernières décennies

Résumé :
Marine species are widely shifting their distributions in response to global changes and it is commonly expected they will move northward and to greater depths to reach cooler, less disturbed habitats. However, local manifestations of global changes, anthropogenic pressures and species characteristics may lead to unanticipated responses. In this regard, the Celtic-Biscay Shelf is a particularly interesting study system because it has historically been heavily fished and occurs at the interface between two distinct biogeographic provinces. We investigated the distribution of 93 taxa during the last two decades. We highlighted two opposite distribution shifts (northward, westward and shallowing, and southward, eastward and deepening). Thus, not all taxa necessarily shift northward and to deeper areas, as it is often expected. We showed that changes in habitat suitability via climate changes was the main explanatory factor of taxa distribution shifts followed by changes in population size (taxon abundance and fishing pressure).

Contact : Robin Faillettaz - et Olivier Dézerald -

Planning prévisionnel des DECODages : 

- 27 / 06 / 2024 : Cassandre Armon (postdoc DECOD)
- 04 / 07 /2024 : Gérard Lacroix (CNRS-Institut d’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement de Paris)