

Theme(s) :
Population dynamics, life history trait, Ecology
Stakeholders information support for sustainable management of ecosystems
Phone: +33 2 23 48 50 15 Email :
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc Bât. 19 , CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Keywords: Ecology and evolution, Population dynamics, Life history strategy, Environmental variability, Conservation biology


Ecology and evolution, Population dynamics, Life history strategy, Environmental variability, Conservation biology


Current Research Topics

Due to their complex life cycle, diadromous fish are key witnesses of local and global ecosystem disturbances. Understanding the dynamics of these populations is a major scientific and societal challenge to ensure both their conservation and exploitation. In this context, my work aims to understand the response of salmonid populations to environmental changes. In particular, I am interested in explaining variations in life history traits by demographic mechanisms, with application for the management of Atlantic salmon and sea trout. Working with long-term monitoring and scale archives, I seek to reduce the uncertainty on empirical observations, to improve the description of inter-individual heterogeneity and inter-population comparisons. I combine population and individual approaches to study the effect of the environment on salmonids body size, age structure, migration decision and population dynamics. In particular, my aim is to explicitly consider individual growth at the core of Atlantic salmon life cycle to better understand the key constraints shaping demographic transitions and population responses to a changing environment, in freshwater and at sea.



Current projects

Automatic analysis of acoustic camera data with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)


Timeframe : 2019 -
Keywords : Caméra acoustique ARIS, Automatisation, Réseaux de neurones convolutifs, Deep-learning


Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams

Timeframe : 2012 - 2028
Keywords : Connectivité / Cycle de vie / Dynamique des populations / Ecologie spatiale / Fronts de colonisation / Habitats essentiels / Interactions trophiques / Invasions biologiques / Migration / Restauration / Barrages / Biofilms / Communautés / Dispersion / Ecosystèmes / Individus / Macroinvertébrés / Phytoplankton / Plantes / Poissons / Populations / ADNe / Analyses de séries temporelles / Biologging / Capture, échantillonnage et inventaire / Génétique quantitative / Hydroacoustique / Isotopes stables / Marquage-recapture / Télémétrie

Modelling Atlantic salmon population dynamics and improving stock assessment for all stock units in the North Atlantic: a large scale approach to unravel the fingerprints of global changes


Timeframe : 2016 - 2024
Keywords : Saumon atlantique, dynamique de population, gestion, pêche, incertitudes, changements globaux, modèles Bayesiens

Salmonid Management Round the Channel


Timeframe : 2017 - 2023
Keywords : Cycle de vie / Dynamique des populations / Ecologie spatiale / Evaluation / Migration / Plasticité phénotypique / Traits d’histoire de vie / Traits phénotypiques / Age à maturité / Changement climatique / Dispersion / Fécondité / Individus / Poissons / Populations / Survie / Taille à maturité / Taux de croissance corporelle / Analyse de pièces calcifiées / Analyses de séries temporelles / Biomarqueurs et traceurs / Capteurs / Capture, échantillonnage et inventaire / Génétique quantitative / Hydroacoustique / Isotopes stables / Marquage-recapture / Modélisation mécaniste / Modélisation statistique / Statistiques multivariées

Past projects

Estimating fish stocks by a combination of several monitoring methods: considerations for the development of a toolbox


Timeframe : 2016 - 2018
Keywords : Poissons migrateurs, Estimation d’abondance, Stations de comptage, Caméra acoustique ARIS, Modélisation

Survival cost of growth in a changing climate: evidence, consequences and opportunities for wild Atlantic salmon adaptation


Timeframe : 2013 - 2015
Keywords : croissance, survie, compromis évolutifs, sélection, exploitation

Monitoring for Migratory Fish


Timeframe : 2011 - 2015
Keywords : poissons migrateurs, changement global, modélisation, capture-marquage-recapture, identification par radiofréquence, transpondeurs passifs intégrés

Consulting Experience

Member of the COGEPOMI-Bretagne (management committee for migratory fish)
Member of the Research, Development and Innovation Pole //"Management of Migratory Fish in their Environment//"
Member of the ICES Sea Trout Working Group (WGTRUTTA)

Member of the international IUCN group on salmonids

Member of the scientific commitee of the national natural reserves of Séné and Chérine

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Supervision

M.Sc. Students

SANTANBIEN, V. (2020) .Identifier les liens entre croissance et strategies d?histoire de vie sexes specifiques chez le saumon et leurs consequences sur la dynamique des populations, a partir de l?analyse de ses ecailles

SILVE, V. (2019) .Modeliser la croissance du saumon a partir de l'analyse de ses ecailles

GUEGANT, E. (2017) .Reconquete de la qualite de l?eau en Bretagne : a quels effets structurels et fonctionnels peut-on s?attendre pour les populations de Saumon Atlantique ?

HOTIN, D. (2016) .Caracterisation de l?abondance des juveniles de saumon sur les cours d?eau bretons

RABAULT, F. (2016) .Estimation du sexe-ratio des saumons atlantiques adultes sur le Scorff a partir de la mesure d'un caractere sexuel secondaire

LE COR, F. (2016) .Etude du succes reproducteur et des strategies d'histoire de vie chez les salmonides

BAUDOUIN, A. (2014) .Etude du compromis entre croissance et survie dans un contexte de changement climatique chez les juveniles de saumon atlantique

RAFFAULT, C. (2022) Modélisation des facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques qui déterminent les décisions relatives au cycle de vie liées à la croissance chez deux espèces de salmonidés

Ph.D. Students

TREHIN, C. (2022) .Reponse des populations de salmonides migrateurs aux changements globaux : Role de la croissance dans les strategies d?histoire de vie et la dynamique de population chez le saumon atlantique Salmo salar

OLMOS, M. (2019) .Investigating the drivers of Atlantic salmon populations decline across the North Atlantic basin

MONTORIO, L. (2017) .Impact of global changes on life history, demography and populations dynamics in salmonids

OOSTHUIZEN, C. (2012-2016) .Environmental variability, life history traits and population dynamics in southern elephant seals at Marion Island


Selection of Scientific Products

Evanno Guillaume, Hoffmann Legrand Marion, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Phillips K (2023). Salmo salar (Allier subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2023, 2023, ⟨10.2305/⟩

Nevoux Marie, Buoro Mathieu, Lasne Emilien, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2023). The role of freshwater and marine productivity in defining the overall outcome for an Atlantic salmon population. CNL(23)52, North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization. 2023

Josset Quentin, Beaulaton Laurent, Romakkaniemi Atso, Nevoux Marie (2023). Code for "Changes in length-at-first return of a sea trout (Salmo trutta) population in northern France". 2023, ⟨swh:1:dir:c0f592bb7fa089e1d1b6ba0af8e5e33fdcd7651a;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:bb18877e95020a09cd03d4f486b55bb3ae96b986;anchor=swh:1:rel:0409c5bbb96d4fa803bc0a8cf6afa3c4581850d0;path=/⟩

Olmos Maxime, Lemaire-Patin Remi, Hernvann Pierre‐yves, Ounsley James, Queroue Maud, Bolstad Geir, Fiske Peder, Chaput Gérald, Prévost Etienne, Nevoux Marie, Dauphin Guillaume, Rivot Etienne (2023). Benchmarking the north atlantic salmon stock assessment: a new life cycle model to evaluate salmon mixed stock status and fisheries management scenarios across the north atlantic basin. 2023

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Santanbien Valentin, Patin Rémi, Gregory Stephen, Lamireau Ludivine, Marchand Frédéric, Beaumont William, Scott Luke, Hillman Robert, Besnard Anne-Laure, Boisson Pierre‐yves, Meslier Lisa, King Andrew, Stevens Jamie, Nevoux Marie (2023). A multi‐population approach supports common patterns in marine growth and maturation decision in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) from southern Europe. Journal of Fish Biology, 2023, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1111/jfb.15567⟩

Besnard Anne-Laure, Meslier Lisa, Jousseaume Thibaut, Nevoux Marie, Marchand Frederic, Launey Sophie (2023). Fast, safe and high-throughput Real-Time PCR protocol for molecular sex identification in Salmo salar, applicable to historic scale collections. 2023

Nevoux Marie, Marie Amandine, Raitif Julien, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Lorvelec Olivier, Roussel Jean-Marc (2023). Where does the rainbow end? A case study of self-sustaining rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss populations in tropical rivers. 2023

Roussel Jean-Marc, Pottier Gaétan, Azam Didier, Vigouroux Régis, Marchand Frédéric, Bargier Nicolas, Nevoux Marie, Raitif Julien, Penil Caroline, Cosson Eddy, Beaulaton Laurent (2023). Inventaire de biodiversité des poissons et crustacés d’eau douce par pêche à l’électricité en petits cours d’eau tropicaux : réglages, efficacité et recommandations. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, 2023, 42, pp.55-60. ⟨10.20870/Revue-SET.2023.42.7268⟩

Roussel Jean-Marc, Pottier Gaétan, Azam Didier, Vigouroux Régis, Marchand Frédéric, Bargier Nicolas, Nevoux Marie, Raitif Julien, Penil Caroline, Cosson Eddy, Beaulaton Laurent (2023). Freshwater fish and shrimp biodiversity monitoring by electrofishing in shallow tropical streams: settings, efficiency and recommendations. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, 2023, 42, pp.55-60. ⟨10.20870/Revue-SET.2023.42.7268⟩

Fernandez Garcia Guglielmo, Corpetti Thomas, Nevoux Marie, Beaulaton Laurent, Martignac François (2023). AcousticIA, a deep neural network for multi-species fish detection using multiple models of acoustic cameras. Aquatic Ecology, 2023, ⟨10.1007/s10452-023-10004-2⟩

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