Amélioration de la COnnaissance sur des STocks du golfe de Gascogne : lieu jaune, maigre, merlan et rouget-barbet |
DEveloppement d'une approche de gestion intégrée de la FIlière petits PELagiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
Demersal Ecosystem |
DIAdromous Species: moving towards new PARadigms to achieve holistic scientific Advice |
Integrated spatio-temporal models combining fisheries and research surveys fine scale catch data to estimate functional zones |
Fish robustNess: a key element of population vulnerability and sustainable aquaculture |
Estimating the influence of essential fish habitats for the renewal of exploited marine fish |
Mesures de gestion et espèces ACCessOires dans les pêcheries démersales du golfe de Gascogne |
Methodological developments for a robust and efficient twin of the ocean |
Mechanisms of speciation in an ancient vertebrate |
French Oceanographic Cruises |
Causes of the declining growth and survival of sardine in the Bay of Biscay: bringing new insights through an ecophysiological approach |
Which early life stage(s) limits sole recruitment in the Bay of Biscay ? |
Salmonid Management Round the Channel |
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams |
Scenarios Of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change |
Amélioration de la COnnaissance sur des STocks du golfe de Gascogne : lieu jaune, maigre, merlan et rouget-barbet |
Genetic and physiological approach to assess the health status of ray populations |
DEveloppement d'une approche de gestion intégrée de la FIlière petits PELagiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
DIAdromous Species: moving towards new PARadigms to achieve holistic scientific Advice |
Assessing the degradation of environmental RNA/DNA in controlled conditions for metabarcoding and ddPCR approaches. |
Size-dependent anthropogenic perturbations -from genes to ecosystems and back |
Combining environmental DNA sampling, whale watching and citizen science for stakeholder-driven marine biodiversity protection in the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean |
Fish robustNess: a key element of population vulnerability and sustainable aquaculture |
Estimating the influence of essential fish habitats for the renewal of exploited marine fish |
Un protocole participatif pour l'observation des poissons et habitats côtiers |
Mesures de gestion et espèces ACCessOires dans les pêcheries démersales du golfe de Gascogne |
Monitoring & Elimination of bycatch of endangered & Conserved species in the NE & High Seas Atlantic Region |
OPTImisation des stratégies d’échantillonnages des campagnes NOURriceries de la façade Manche - Atlantique |
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams |
Suivi des nourriceries côtières du parc naturel marin EGMP : Interprétation et analyse |
Des trajectoires de navires à la dynamique des flottilles via les modèles graphiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
A repository solution to gather and communicate information from EwE models |
A trophic level based software for assessing the impacts of fishing on aquatic ecosystems |
Extension of Integrated Aquaculture, an eco-innovative solution to foster sustainability in the Atlantic Area |
L’ADNe pour décrypter les interactions trophiques dans les forêts de laminaires de Bretagne |
Methodological developments for a robust and efficient twin of the ocean |
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams |
Scenarios Of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change |
SUstainable Management of MEsopelagic Resources |
Amélioration de la COnnaissance sur des STocks du golfe de Gascogne : lieu jaune, maigre, merlan et rouget-barbet |
Behaviour, performAnce, Impacts of Trap FISH |
DEveloppement d'une approche de gestion intégrée de la FIlière petits PELagiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
ESCAPE Understanding and modelling fish escapement behavior in fishing gear |
Giving Artificial Monitoring intElligence tO Fishing TRAWLS |
Towards ecosystem-based management of West-Mediterranean fisheries : Bio-economic modeling in the Gulf of Lion and the EMU1 zone |
Mesures de gestion et espèces ACCessOires dans les pêcheries démersales du golfe de Gascogne |
Monitoring & Elimination of bycatch of endangered & Conserved species in the NE & High Seas Atlantic Region |
Modèles, IMaginaires, et Incertitudes |
oPtimisation des Activités anthropiques pour une exploitation durable des éCosystèmes Marins de la grANde vasière. |
Des trajectoires de navires à la dynamique des flottilles via les modèles graphiques |
Genetic and physiological approach to assess the health status of ray populations |
Analyse Multicritère de l’effet potentiel des Obstacles à l’écoulement sur les communautés BIOlogiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
Assessing the degradation of environmental RNA/DNA in controlled conditions for metabarcoding and ddPCR approaches. |
Towards ecosystem-based management of West-Mediterranean fisheries : Bio-economic modeling in the Gulf of Lion and the EMU1 zone |
Estimating the influence of essential fish habitats for the renewal of exploited marine fish |
Extension of Integrated Aquaculture, an eco-innovative solution to foster sustainability in the Atlantic Area |
Un protocole participatif pour l'observation des poissons et habitats côtiers |
Monitoring & Elimination of bycatch of endangered & Conserved species in the NE & High Seas Atlantic Region |
Methodological developments for a robust and efficient twin of the ocean |
New Copernicus Capability for Trophic Ocean Networks |
OPTImisation des stratégies d’échantillonnages des campagnes NOURriceries de la façade Manche - Atlantique |
oPtimisation des Activités anthropiques pour une exploitation durable des éCosystèmes Marins de la grANde vasière. |
Which early life stage(s) limits sole recruitment in the Bay of Biscay ? |
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams |
Scenarios Of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change |
Suivi des nourriceries côtières du parc naturel marin EGMP : Interprétation et analyse |
Amélioration de la COnnaissance sur des STocks du golfe de Gascogne : lieu jaune, maigre, merlan et rouget-barbet |
Genetic and physiological approach to assess the health status of ray populations |
DEveloppement d'une approche de gestion intégrée de la FIlière petits PELagiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
Demersal Ecosystem |
DIAdromous Species: moving towards new PARadigms to achieve holistic scientific Advice |
Combining environmental DNA sampling, whale watching and citizen science for stakeholder-driven marine biodiversity protection in the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean |
French seafOod pRoduction Scenarios in 2050 |
Towards ecosystem-based management of West-Mediterranean fisheries : Bio-economic modeling in the Gulf of Lion and the EMU1 zone |
Un protocole participatif pour l'observation des poissons et habitats côtiers |
Mesures de gestion et espèces ACCessOires dans les pêcheries démersales du golfe de Gascogne |
Monitoring & Elimination of bycatch of endangered & Conserved species in the NE & High Seas Atlantic Region |
Modèles, IMaginaires, et Incertitudes |
New Copernicus Capability for Trophic Ocean Networks |
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to anthropogenic perturbations |
French Oceanographic Cruises |
Salmonid Management Round the Channel |
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams |
SUstainable Management of MEsopelagic Resources |
Amélioration de la COnnaissance sur des STocks du golfe de Gascogne : lieu jaune, maigre, merlan et rouget-barbet |
Genetic and physiological approach to assess the health status of ray populations |
Analyse Multicritère de l’effet potentiel des Obstacles à l’écoulement sur les communautés BIOlogiques |
Behaviour, performAnce, Impacts of Trap FISH |
DEveloppement d'une approche de gestion intégrée de la FIlière petits PELagiques |
DELphinus MOuvements GEStion |
Demersal Ecosystem |
DIAdromous Species: moving towards new PARadigms to achieve holistic scientific Advice |
A repository solution to gather and communicate information from EwE models |
A trophic level based software for assessing the impacts of fishing on aquatic ecosystems |
Assessing the degradation of environmental RNA/DNA in controlled conditions for metabarcoding and ddPCR approaches. |
ESCAPE Understanding and modelling fish escapement behavior in fishing gear |
Size-dependent anthropogenic perturbations -from genes to ecosystems and back |
Combining environmental DNA sampling, whale watching and citizen science for stakeholder-driven marine biodiversity protection in the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean |
Integrated spatio-temporal models combining fisheries and research surveys fine scale catch data to estimate functional zones |
Fish robustNess: a key element of population vulnerability and sustainable aquaculture |
French seafOod pRoduction Scenarios in 2050 |
Giving Artificial Monitoring intElligence tO Fishing TRAWLS |
Towards ecosystem-based management of West-Mediterranean fisheries : Bio-economic modeling in the Gulf of Lion and the EMU1 zone |
Estimating the influence of essential fish habitats for the renewal of exploited marine fish |
Extension of Integrated Aquaculture, an eco-innovative solution to foster sustainability in the Atlantic Area |
Un protocole participatif pour l'observation des poissons et habitats côtiers |
L’ADNe pour décrypter les interactions trophiques dans les forêts de laminaires de Bretagne |
Mesures de gestion et espèces ACCessOires dans les pêcheries démersales du golfe de Gascogne |
Monitoring & Elimination of bycatch of endangered & Conserved species in the NE & High Seas Atlantic Region |
Methodological developments for a robust and efficient twin of the ocean |
Modèles, IMaginaires, et Incertitudes |
Mechanisms of speciation in an ancient vertebrate |
New Copernicus Capability for Trophic Ocean Networks |
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to anthropogenic perturbations |
OPTImisation des stratégies d’échantillonnages des campagnes NOURriceries de la façade Manche - Atlantique |
French Oceanographic Cruises |
oPtimisation des Activités anthropiques pour une exploitation durable des éCosystèmes Marins de la grANde vasière. |
Causes of the declining growth and survival of sardine in the Bay of Biscay: bringing new insights through an ecophysiological approach |
Which early life stage(s) limits sole recruitment in the Bay of Biscay ? |
Salmonid Management Round the Channel |
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams |
Scenarios Of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change |
Suivi des nourriceries côtières du parc naturel marin EGMP : Interprétation et analyse |
SUstainable Management of MEsopelagic Resources |
Des trajectoires de navires à la dynamique des flottilles via les modèles graphiques |