Scientific animation within DECOD
The scientific animation within DECOD is organized around four types of animation: the DECODages, the “Amédées days”, the newsletter "DECOD au fil de l'eau", and the club journal.
The DECODages
The DECODages are scientific seminars proposed by the DECOD agents and whose speakers can come from various horizons (internal or external to the unit, academic or non-academic partners). These seminars are organized on a regular basis (two to three seminars per month), available in a hybrid format (face-to-face on the four sites of the unit and remotely via webconference tools), and disseminated to a large audience consisting mainly of the academic partners of the unit's agents. The DECODages animation team ensures an efficient and continuous operation on all four sites:
- Brest: Clara Menu, Christophe Lebigre
- Lorient: Robin Faillettaz, Alexa Abangan
- Nantes: Salomé Fabri-Ruiz, Jean-Baptiste Romagnan
- Rennes: Olivier Dézerald, Bastien Sadoul
The newsletter "DECOD au fil de l'eau"
The newsletter "DECOD au fil de l'eau" is a monthly letter by and for the DECOD agents. It is sent at the beginning of the month to each agent via an email campaign publishing tool. This letter synthesizes, with a few clicks, information from multiple distribution channels (calls for projects, conference dates, field campaigns, new arrivals, etc.).
The Amédées Days
The Amédées Days occur two to three times per year and aim to encourage M2 interns to practice oral scientific communication through the presentation of their internship results. All DECOD agents are invited to these days. The organization of the Amédées Days is ensured by Bastien Bourillon, Clara Menu, and Arthur Valance.
Scientific Programs of Amédée Days : 29th May
The Club Newspaper
The journal club is currently only organized in Rennes. It consists in gathering undergraduate and graduate students, PhD students and postdocs around a presentation on theoretical concepts or methodological tools in ecology to promote the exchange of experience in a friendly manner (beer may help).
For more information, contact: Quentin Queiros (