

Scenarios Of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change
  • Timeframe : 2019 - 2023
  • Coordinator: Yunne Sin, IRD/Bruno Ernande, Ifremer
  • Contact: Morgane TRAVERS-TROLET
  • Keywords : Cycle de vie / Dynamique des populations / Evolution adaptative / Gestion intégrée / Interactions trophiques / Plasticité phénotypique / Socio-écosystèmes / Traits d’histoire de vie / Traits phénotypiques / Changement climatique / Communautés / Ecosystèmes / Individus / Pêche / Poissons / Populations / Modélisation individu-centrée / Modélisation mécaniste

SOMBEE is designed to advance our capacity to forecast future changes in marine fish biodiversity under climate change and fishing scenarios. It addresses the role of eco-evolutionary dynamics and their consequences for the sustainable exploitation of fish resources in the future. The key open question addressed is whether exploited fish populations have the capacity of adapting swiftly enough to global change to ensure their persistence and their sustainable exploitation.

Partners :
IRD UMR Marbec, France - Ifremer, France - University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada - University of Hamburg Germany - University of Kiel Germany - Instituto del Mar del Peru Lima, Peru - Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey - AZTI San Sebastian, Spain - UNEP/WCMC Cambridge, UK - Ocean University of China Qingdao, China

People involved

Funding and Support

Biodiversa/Belmont Forum