

Theme(s) :
Trophic interaction
Fleets dynamics and socio-ecosystems uses
Phone: +33 2 23 48 55 23 Email :
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Bât. 15, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Keywords: Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Anthropogenic perturbations


Global warming, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Fisheries, Food webs, Life-history evolution, Population and community dynamics.

Current Position

Research scientist


Phenotypic traits, such as body size, strongly influence the nature and strength of ecological interactions such as predation or competition. In turn, phenotypic evolution in response to ecological interactions may operate on the same time scales as population dynamics. The resulting interplay between ecological change and rapid trait response is called eco-evolutionary feedback loops. These feedback loops could be essential to explain (and predict) the trajectory of complex ecological systems. The objective of my work is to understand whether and how anthropogenic perturbations induce eco-evolutionary feedback loops in food webs.

Current Research Topics

My research concentrates on aquatic food webs disrupted by global warming, exploitation (fisheries) or biological invasions.


Current projects


Bioéconomie dynamique spatialisée des invasions biologiques : preuve de concept pour la gestion de la jussie en Brière

Timeframe : 2022 - 2024
Keywords : Aire de répartition géographique / Bio-économie / Connectivité / Dynamique des populations / Ecologie spatiale / Evaluation / Fronts de colonisation / Invasions biologiques / Changement climatique / Dispersion / Méta-populations / Plantes / Populations / Analyses de séries temporelles / Développement de scripts / Modélisation statistique

Past projects

Eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to anthropogenic perturbations


Timeframe : 2018 - 2021
Keywords : Evolution rapide, Expérimentations, Invasions biologiques, Pêcheries, Phénotypes, Réseaux trophiques

Size-dependent anthropogenic perturbations -from genes to ecosystems and back


Timeframe : 2016 - 2020
Keywords : Pêcheries, Phénotypes étendus, Réseaux trophiques, Rétrocontrôles éco-évolutifs

Productivity and Resilience Enhancement of Exploited Fish stocks: an experimental approach


Timeframe : 2016 - 2020
Keywords : Evolution due à la pêche, Pêcheries, Productivité, Résilience

Teaching Experience

I was associate professor at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) for nearly 10 years, which involved 200 hours of teaching per year. The list of subjects I taught during this period is available on this link.

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Student supervision

By 2017, I had supervised 7 undergraduate students, 21 graduate students, and 4 Ph,D. students.

Collective Services

From 2009 to 2016, I supervised teaching modules at the master’s level at UPMC. From 2011 to 2015, I acted as the scientific coordinator for the development of the PLANAQUA experimental lakes platform. I also participated in different evaluation committees for master’s and Ph.D. students and for scientific projects.

M.Sc. Students

MARTIN, A. (2021) .Liens biodiversite-structure des reseaux trophiques aquatiques

BRUSET, J. (2021) .Liens biodiversite-structure des reseaux trophiques aquatiques

BERTIN, O. (2021) .Liens biodiversite-structure des reseaux trophiques aquatiques

BAUDE, L. (2021) .Liens biodiversite-structure des reseaux trophiques aquatiques

TREHOU, G. (2020) .Densite-dependance et densite-independance de la demographie et de la taille de population experimentales de Medaka

HERMANT, S. (2020) .Selection densite-dependante sur les taux d?autofecondation : test experimental chez la limnee des etangs

GUILLEVIN, V. (2020) .Effet de l'evolution darwinienne induite par l'exploitation sur les ecosystemes

GORGET, N. (2019) .Effects of harvesting on the genetics of population resilience

LEMASLE, P.-G. (2018) .Biogeographie insulaire des reseaux trophiques : application au complexe marais-mares de Briere

ANDRIEUX, C. (2022) EIBES4C1 - Stage en laboratoire

BARBOT, M-M (2023) Modélisation de l'invasion par laJussie des marais de Brière

VIOLTON, O. (2023) L'effet des invasions biologiques sur la structure et la stabilité des communautés natives : Approche expérimentale en mésocosmes avec l'écrevisse de Louisiane


Selection of Scientific Products

Evangelista Charlotte, Kamenova Stefaniya, Pauli Beatriz Diaz, Sandkjenn Joakim, Vøllestad Leif Asbjørn, Edeline Eric, Trosvik Pål, de Muinck Eric Jacques (2023). Within-species variation in the gut microbiome of medaka (Oryzias latipes) is driven by the interaction of light intensity and genetic background. Peer Community Journal, 2023, 3, pp.e72. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.306⟩

Edeline Eric, Bennevault Yoann, Rozen‐rechels David (2023). Habitat structural complexity increases age-class coexistence and productivity in fish populations. 2023

Edeline Eric (2023). Experimental biology of species geographic ranges. SEB Centenary Conference 2023, Society for Experimental Biology, Jul 2023, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Decanter Nolwenn, Normand Romane, Souissi Ahmed, Labbé Catherine, Edeline Eric, Evanno Guillaume (2023). Sperm competition experiments reveal low prezygotic postmating isolation between parasitic and nonparasitic lamprey ecotypes. Ecology and Evolution, 2023, ⟨10.1002/ece3.9970⟩

Decanter Nolwenn, Normand Romane, Souissi Ahmed, Labbé Catherine, Edeline Eric, Evanno Guillaume (2023). Sperm competition experiments reveal low prezygotic postmating isolation between parasitic and nonparasitic lamprey ecotypes. Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 13 (4), ⟨10.1002/ece3.9970⟩

Edeline Eric, Starck Agnès, Bennevault Yoann, Paillisson J.M., Petit Eric J. (2022). Determinants of survival and dispersal along the range expansion of a biological invasion. 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Invasive Species Centre, Apr 2022, Oostende, Belgium

Edeline Eric, Starck Agnès, Bennevault Yoann, Paillisson Jean-Marc, Petit Eric (2022). Determinants of survival and dispersal along the range expansion of a biological invasion. 2022

Dézerald Olivier, Gorzerino Caroline, Fourcy Damien, Collinet Marc, Coudreuse Julie, Edeline Eric (2021). Eco-evolutionary effects of invasive crayfish on aquatic ecosystems. 2nd international aquatic mesocosm research symposium: From local processes to cross-domain actions, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Apr 2021, Virtual symposium, Greece

Edeline Eric (2021). Le double effet négatif de la pêche sur la taille des poissons. Le Courrier de la Nature, 2021, 328, pp.12-13

Evangelista Charlotte, Dupeu Julia, Sandkjenn Joakim, Pauli Beatriz Diaz, Herland Anders, Meriguet Jacques, Vøllestad Leif Asbjørn, Edeline Eric (2021). Ecological ramifications of adaptation to size-selective mortality. Royal Society Open Science, The Royal Society, 2021, 8 (10), ⟨10.1098/rsos.210842⟩

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