Combining environmental DNA sampling, whale watching and citizen science for stakeholder-driven marine biodiversity protection in the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean |
The eWHALE project will meet pressing biodiversity challenges by uniting researchers, industry partners and the public across Europe to implement stakeholder-driven marine biodiversity protection combining environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling with whale watching and citizen science.
People involved
BAULIER Loïc, Phone : 0297873803 Email : loic.baulier@ifremer.fr |
BESNARD Anne-Laure, Technician Phone : +33 2 23 48 54 43 Email : anne-laure.besnard(at)inrae.fr |
QUÉMÉRÉ Erwan, Scientist Phone : +33 2 23 48 52 34 Email : erwan.quemere@inrae.fr |
TACHER Sandrine, Technicienne de recherche Phone : ques Téléphone : +33 2 23 48 54 43 Email : sandrine.tacher@inrae.fr |
TRENKEL Verena, chercheur Email : verena.trenkel@ifremer.fr |
Funding and Support