

Theme(s) :
Population dynamics, life history trait, Ecology
Spatial dynamics, connectivity, habitat and functional area
Phone: 02 40 37 41 81 Email :
Keywords : Dynamique des populations / Eco-éthologie / Ecologie spatiale / Interactions trophiques / Multi-stress / Sélectivité des captures / Ecosystèmes / Individus / Mammifères / Oiseaux / Pêche / Poissons / Populations / Stratégies d’alimentation / ADNe / Biologging / Génomique / Modélisation statistique / Télémétrie

My work within the UMR DECOD team is focused on characterizing the interactions between fishing activities, environmental factors in a global change context and high trophic-level species (marine mammals, teleosts and elasmobranchs, seabirds…).

Understanding these interactions is a task that requires to concentrate on several study levels. More specifically, my research aims at :

-      - - Revealing feeding strategies, spatio-temporal patterns of distribution and habitat use at the individual scale, along with the factors behind their variations.

-      -  Studying marine predators’ vulnerability to fisheries activities and other stressors, and understanding the long-term population-level impacts.

-       Identifying the changes in taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity at the multi-species level.

-       - At the socioecosystem scale, contributing to the evaluation and theoretical suitability of management practices to help reduce negative interactions between fisheries and marine predators.

To that end, I am using a panel of disciplinary fields merging mainly quantitative and behavioural ecology, but also population genetics, environmental genomics, feeding ecology and marine spatial planning.

Current projects

Monitoring & Elimination of bycatch of endangered & Conserved species in the NE & High Seas Atlantic Region


Timeframe : 2024 - 2028
Keywords : Aire de répartition géographique / Comportements humains / Usages / Engins de pêche / Flotilles / Mammifères / Oiseaux / Pêche / Poissons / Survie / ADNe / Expérimentation ex-situ / Imagerie / Intelligence artificielle / Modélisation statistique / Technologie des pêches

DELphinus MOuvements GEStion


Timeframe : 2022 - 2025
Keywords : Dynamique des populations / Eco-éthologie / Sélectivité des captures / Flotilles / Mammifères / Pêche / Poissons / ADNe / Analyses de séries temporelles / Expérimentation in-situ / Hydroacoustique

Past projects

oPtimisation des Activités anthropiques pour une exploitation durable des éCosystèmes Marins de la grANde vasière.


Timeframe : 2019 - 2023
Keywords : Aire de répartition géographique / Empreinte environnementale / Habitats essentiels / Usages / Changement climatique / Communautés / Engins de pêche / Macroinvertébrés / Pêche / Poissons / Zoobenthos / ADNe / Identification taxonomique / Imagerie / Méthodes de dénombrement / Photogrammétrie / Technologie des pêches


Selection of Scientific Products

Lavialle Gaël, Boussarie Germain, Kopp Dorothee, Morfin Marie, Mouchet Maud A. (2023). Mapping marine ecosystem services in a multifunctional seascape: the case of Grande Vasière (Bay of Biscay). Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 10, pp.1110299. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2023.1110299⟩

Boussarie Germain, Kopp Dorothée, Lavialle Gaël, Mouchet M.A., Morfin Marie (2023). Marine spatial planning to solve increasing conflicts at sea: A framework for prioritizing offshore windfarms and marine protected areas. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 339, pp.117857. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117857⟩

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