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Scientist Theme(s) : Spatial dynamics, connectivity, habitat and functional area
Ecosystems assessment and multiple anthrophic pressure
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Bât. 19 , CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France Keywords: Ecology, Biology |
Community ecology, functional ecology, food webs, population dynamics, aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrates, fish species, spatial-temporal heterogeneity, stoichiometry, isotopy
Current Position
Research scientist
- 2019 - present: Research scientist at INRAE Rennes, UMR ESE
- 2017 - 2018: Postdoctoral fellow with Philippe Usseglio-Polatera (Université de Lorraine, Metz, France)
- 2016 - 2017: Postdoctoral fellow with Angélica González (Rutgers University, Camden, USA) and Claudio Latorre (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chili)
- 2012 - 2015: Ph.D. student supervised by Céline Leroy (IRD, Kourou, France) and Régis Céréghino (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
At the interface between organismal biology and community ecology, my research aims to better understand and predict the structural (species diversity and composition) and functional (flows of matter and energy, functional traits) responses of communities to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes.
To meet this objective, I study two biological compartments: aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrate communities and fish communities.
My research combines empirical approaches (observations in natura), in situ and ex situ experiments, and modelling approaches at various spatial (local to continental) and temporal scales (days to millenia) to address specific questions.
Current Research Topics
My current research in the Conservation and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems research group (UMR ESE) is in the context of restoring the ecological continuity of the Sélune River (removal of two dams: Vezin and la Roche-qui-boit). My research aims to understand the subsequent modifications in trophic relationships and the structural and functional diversity of aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrates in relation to i) the colonisation dynamics of new habitats (river bank, channel), and ii) interactions with riparian vegetation.
Member of the Bromeliad Working Group
Current projects
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams | Timeframe : 2012 - 2028 Keywords : Connectivité / Cycle de vie / Dynamique des populations / Ecologie spatiale / Fronts de colonisation / Habitats essentiels / Interactions trophiques / Invasions biologiques / Migration / Restauration / Barrages / Biofilms / Communautés / Dispersion / Ecosystèmes / Individus / Macroinvertébrés / Phytoplankton / Plantes / Poissons / Populations / ADNe / Analyses de séries temporelles / Biologging / Capture, échantillonnage et inventaire / Génétique quantitative / Hydroacoustique / Isotopes stables / Marquage-recapture / Télémétrie |
| Timeframe : 2021 - 2024 Keywords : cascades trophiques / Interactions trophiques / Stabilité des réseaux / Macroinvertébrés / Poissons / ADNe / Isotopes stables |
Analyse Multicritère de l’effet potentiel des Obstacles à l’écoulement sur les communautés BIOlogiques | Timeframe : 2021 - 2024 Keywords : Connectivité / Ecologie spatiale / Habitats essentiels / Migration / Multi-stress / Réseaux d’interaction / Usages / Barrages / Communautés / Dispersion / Macroinvertébrés / Méta-communautés / Poissons / Analyses de séries temporelles / Bio-informatique / Développement de scripts / Géomatique / Modélisation statistique / Statistiques multivariées |
Unifying environmental and spatial determinants of food web structure across spatial scales
Keywords: aquatic food webs, functional traits, environmental and spatial processes, macroinvertebrates, tank bromeliads, Neotropics
M.Sc. Students
BERGERE, C. (2021) .Diversite fonctionnelle des macroinvertebres a l'interface aquatique-terrestre
MOUSSAY, M. (2023) Effets potentiels des obstacles à l'écoulement sur la composition taxonomique et fonctionnelle des espèces de poissons amphihalins vs. exotiques et envahissants dans le cadre complexe des réseaux dentriques
VIOLTON, O. (2023) L'effet des invasions biologiques sur la structure et la stabilité des communautés natives : Approche expérimentale en mésocosmes avec l'écrevisse de Louisiane
Selection of Scientific Products
Becklin Katie, Betancourt Julio, Braasch Joseph, Dézerald Olivier, Díaz Francisca, González Angélica, Harbert Robert, Holmgren Camille, Hornsby Angela, Latorre Claudio, Matocq Marjorie, Smith Felisa (2024). New uses for ancient middens: bridging ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2024, 39 (5), pp.479-493. ⟨10.1016/j.tree.2023.12.003⟩
Roussel Jean-Marc, Fraisse Stéphane, Dézerald Olivier, Fovet Ophélie, Pannard Alexandrine, Rodriguez-Perez Hector, Crave Alain, Gorzerino Caroline, Poupelin Maxime, Forget Guillaume, Huteau Dominique, Thomas Alban, Chevé Manuel, Soissons Laura, Piscart Christophe (2024). Effects of large dams on the aquatic food web along a coastal stream with high sediment loads. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024, 11, ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1250892⟩
Piscart Christophe, Dézerald Olivier, Pellan Laura, Le Bris Nathalie, Rodríguez-Pérez Héctor, Beauverger Thibaut, Huteau Dominique, Roussel Jean-Marc (2024). Persistent disconnect between flow restoration and restoration of river ecosystem functions after the removal of a large dam on the Sélune River. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2024, 12, pp.1250810. ⟨10.3389/fenvs.2024.1250810⟩
Roussel Jean-Marc, Fraisse Stéphane, Dézerald Olivier, Fovet Ophélie, Pannard Alexandrine, Perez Hector Rodriguez, Crave Alain, Gorzerino Caroline, Poupelin Maxime, Forget Guillaume, Huteau Dominique, Thomas Alban, Cheve Manuel, Soissons Laura, Piscart Christophe (2024). Effects of large dams on the aquatic food web along a coastal stream with high sediment loads. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, pp.1250892. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1250892⟩
Dézerald Olivier, Roussel Jean-Marc, Lanoë Elven, Beauverger Thibaut, Bazin Alan, Rodríguez-Pérez Héctor, Dufour Simon, Bernez Ivan, Piscart Christophe (2023). Fast but transient recovery of aquatic and terrestrial communities after a large dam removal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11, pp.1254462. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1254462⟩
Piscart Christophe, Dufour Simon, Lissak Candide, Rollet Anne-Julia, Vrchovsky Paul, Bernez Ivan, Lanoë Elven, Dézerald Olivier (2023). Restauration des écosystèmes suite à une suppression de barrages : approche fonctionnelle des interactions entre zones aquatique et riveraine. Projet final du projet RestaurE :. Rennes 1; Rennes 2; INRAE; Institut agro Rennes Angers. 2023
Dézerald Olivier, Roussel Jean-Marc, Lanoë Elven, Beauverger Thibaut, Bazin Alan, Rodríguez-Pérez Héctor, Dufour Simon, Bernez Ivan, Piscart Christophe (2023). Fast but transient recovery of aquatic and terrestrial communities after a large dam removal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11, 13 p. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1254462⟩
Jaballah Sami, Fernandez Garcia Guglielmo, Martignac François, Parisey Nicolas, Jumel Stéphane, Roussel Jean-Marc, Dézerald Olivier (2023). A deep learning approach to detect and identify live freshwater macroinvertebrates. Aquatic Ecology, 2023, 57 (4), pp.933-949. ⟨10.1007/s10452-023-10053-7⟩
Srivastava Diane, Macdonald A. Andrew M., Pillar Valério, Kratina Pavel, Debastiani Vanderlei, Guzman Laura Melissa, Trzcinski Mark Kurtis, Dézerald Olivier, Barberis Ignacio, de Omena Paula, Romero Gustavo, Ospina-Bautista Fabiola, Marino Nicholas, Leroy Céline, Farjalla Vinicius, Richardson Barbara, Gonçalves Ana, Corbara Bruno, Petermann Jana, Richardson Michael, Melnychuk Michael, Jocqué Merlijn, Ngai Jacqueline, Talaga Stanislas, Piccoli Gustavo, Montero Guillermo, Kirby Kathryn, Starzomski Brian, Céréghino Régis (2023). Geographical variation in the trait‐based assembly patterns of multitrophic invertebrate communities. Functional Ecology, 2023, 37 (1), pp.73-86. ⟨10.1111/1365-2435.14096⟩
Bazin Alan, Forget Guillaume, Kreutzenberger Karl, Dézerald Olivier (2022). DUSTT : Déterminer l'utilisation du substrat par les migrateurs et les macroinvertébrés - Approches photogrammétrique subaquatique et multicritère. Rapport scientifique et technique final. OFB; INRAE; Institut Agro; UPPA. 2022, 32 p