

Demersal Ecosystem
  • Timeframe : 2019 - 2023
  • Local Budget: 250 000 €
  • Coordinator: Jerome Guitton, ESE research Unit
  • Contact: Jérôme GUITTON
  • Website
  • Keywords : Stock assessment, Stock identification, genetics, assessment models, sensitive area, Artisanal fleet monitoring, Ecosystem Approach for fisheries


Context and Issues

DEMERSTEM project was selected under the PESCAO program (PESCAO is a EU support action for fisheries in Ecowas Area). We aim to improve knowledge on shared demersal stocks or shared fisheries targeting demersal stocks. Demersal species are less caught than pelagic one, however they are more valuable and very useful for ecosystem functioning. There are also iconic for artisanal fisheries.


We are mainly targeted to assess 6 demersal stocks that are shared by at least two of our partners. We aim to provide scientific advice on these stocks in order to promote a sustainable exploitation of the ressources. We also plan to enlarge the mono specific approach with additional studies :

  • Sensitive area mapping to help for spatial planning.
  • Artisanal and industrial fisheries monitoring with GPS or VMS tools
  • Ecosystem approach for fisheries

Moreover our actions are tailored to increase regional cooperation and synergies working tohether to assess shared stocks or fisheries.


Expected Results

Main results are :


  • Stock identification and assessment for at least 6 selected demersal stocks
  • Better data viewability and accessibility, mainly for demersal scientific trawl survey
  • a review of most suitable assessment models for selected stocks
  • a sensitive area map for selected species
  • a better identification of fisheries impact using effort mapping
  • additional ecosystem process that coud improve the scientific advice

Publications issued from the project

Jerome Guitton, Mohamed Soumah (2023). GPSMonitoring: A R package for small scale fisheries monitoring using GPS logger. Software Impacts, 2023, 17, pp.100573. ⟨10.1016/j.simpa.2023.100573⟩

Vally Yeslem, Quenum Crespin, Thiaw Modou, Guitton Jérôme, Meissa Beyah, Le Pape Olivier (2023). Quantitative mapping of effective habitats for the White grouper Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy Saint–Hilaire, 1817) in North West Africa. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, 65, pp.103067. ⟨10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103067⟩

Soumah Mohamed, Camara Ousmane, Diallo Ibrahima, Jouffre Didier, Intchama Jeremias Francisco, Pinto Josepha, Beyah Meissa Habib, Quemper Florian, Gascuel Didier, Guitton Jérôme (2022). Trends in abondance indices of Pagrus caeruleostictus in Guinea / Guinea-Bissau. [Rapport de recherche] Institut Agro; CNSHB, Centre national des ressources halieutique de Boussoura; CIPA, Centro de Investigação Pesqueira Aplicada. 2022, 40 p

Tfeil Brahim Mohamed, Habib Beyah Meissa, Quemper Florian, Gascuel Didier, Guitton Jérôme (2022). Trends in Abundance Indices of Epinephelus Aeneus in Mauritania. [Rapport de recherche] Institut Agro; IMROP. Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches. 2022

Thiaw Modou, Bâ Kamarel, Habib Beyah Meissa, Quemper Florian, Gascuel Didier, Guitton Jérôme (2022). Evolution de l’abondance du thiof Epinephelus aeneus au Sénégal. [Rapport de recherche] Institut Agro; CRODT; IMROP. 2022

People involved

GASCUEL Didier, Scientist
Phone : +33 2 23 48 55 34
Email :
GUITTON Jérôme, Scientist
Phone : +33 2 23 48 58 59
Email :
LE PAPE Olivier, Scientist
Phone : +33 2 23 48 55 31
Email :
QUEMPER Florian, Scientist
Phone : +33 2 23 48 59 01
Email :


Instituts de recherche en Afrique de l'Ouest
  • IMROP (Mauritanie)
  • CRODT (Sénegal)
  • CIPA (Guinée-Bissau)
  • CNSHB (Guinée)
  • Fisheries commission (Ghana)
  • CRO (Côte d'Ivoire)
Instituts européens
  • IRD (France)
  • SZN (Italie)
  • IEO (Espagne)

Funding and Support

Union Européenne, programme PESCAO