

Theme(s) : Phone: +33 2 23 48 54 41 (extension 63 87) Email :
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Bât. 19, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Keywords: Dispersal, Gene flow, Connectivity, River networks, Life history traits, Phenotypic plasticity, Freshwater organisms


Landscape genetics, Evolutionary ecology, Biostatistics

Current Position

Post-doc in the Ecotoxicology and Quality of Aquatic Environments research group of the Ecology and Ecosystem Health research unit


Current Research Topics

My research focuses on the influence of environmental and landscape features on dispersal, gene flow, survival and adaptation. I study the effects of topology and environmental heterogeneity of river systems on populations’ connectivity and organisms’ response to perturbations in freshwater species.


Research associate in ECODIV laboratory at the University of Rouen on the “Role of ecological networks to maintain populations of Odonata: study of dispersal in blue-green corridors”.

Current projects

Past projects

Implementation of <i>Macrobrachium</i> spp. as a sentinel species for monitoring the quality of surface water in Guadeloupe and Martinique (French West Indies)


Timeframe : 2013 - 2015
Keywords : biomonitoring, crevette, écotoxicologie tropicale, rivières, contaminants organiques, pesticides, biomarqueurs, neurotoxicité, génotoxicité, enzymes de biotransformation, perturbation endocrinienne, dynamique de populations, génétique de populations, phylogéographie

Consulting Experience

Consulting in integrated pest management for the IF TECH Company (2012).

Teaching Experience

Teaching assistant (2004-2008) at the University of Angers in animal ecology (B.Sc.), population biology (B.Sc.), and landscape genetics (M.Sc.)

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Supervision

M.Sc. Students

David Guinehut (2013-2014), University of Angers, Master student, Modeling river networks and population connectivity.

M.Sc. Students

GUINEHUT, D. (2014) .Modelisation de la connectivite des populations sur les reseaux hydrographiques