

Theme(s) : Phone: +33 2 23 48 55 28 Email :
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Bât. 19, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Keywords: Population dynamics, Bayesian Modelling, Diadromous fish, Statistical ecology


Population dynamics Statistical ecology and Bayesian Modelling

Current Position

Post-doctorate - Supervisor: Marie Nevoux- UMR ESE


Current Research Topics

My current research focuses on the development of a toolkit combining field observations and modelling to estimate fish stocks.
My work involves developing a general approach applicable in various scenarios such as estimating instream-populations or migration flows. The toolkit will be initially developed using the counting data collected by an acoustic camera (DIDSON) and an echo-sounder in the Selune River. The approach will then be tested in another case study.

Current projects

Past projects

Estimating fish stocks by a combination of several monitoring methods: considerations for the development of a toolbox


Timeframe : 2016 - 2018
Keywords : Poissons migrateurs, Estimation d’abondance, Stations de comptage, Caméra acoustique ARIS, Modélisation

Assistance Master et Doctorat

M.Sc. Students

MOUGET, A. (2016) .Utilisation d'une camera acoustique pour etudier la population de saumons aquatiques (Salmo salar) de la Selune

BEUDON, S. (2015) .Creation de fiches caracteristiques especes Poissons- Cephalopodes DCSMM. Master 1