LASNE Emilien
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Scientist Theme(s) : Spatial dynamics, connectivity, habitat and functional area
Ecosystems assessment and multiple anthrophic pressure
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc Bât. 19 , CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France Keywords: Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Diadromous fish and lampreys, Life-history traits, Early stages, Multiple stressors |
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of fish
Current Position
Research scientist
Current Research Topics
I am interested in understanding how fish and lampreys respond to environmental stressors or anthropogenic disturbances. Combining experimental and field approaches, I investigate the plastic and adaptive component of this response to provide insights to predict the influences of environmental changes on populations.
My work at UMR ESE is developed around one central question: In the context of global warming, how do multiple stressors, including temperature, interact to alter fish life history traits (LHT), physiology, and reproductive success. I focus on both (pre-) spawning and early stages (i.e. embryos and larvae). My working hypothesis is that higher temperatures in rivers will increase metabolic rates and; therefore, will directly influence fish physiology, and possibly sensitivity to other stressors, such as hypoxia or the fragmentation of habitats.
I continue to be involved in projects initiated during my former position between 2012 and 2017 in UMR CARRTEL (Thonon-les-Bains, France, on the shores of Lake Geneva) on the evolutionary ecology of lake fish (namely Coregonus lavaretus and Salvelinus alpinus). These projects focus on the early stage response of these cold water stenothermic species to climate change, especially the increase in temperature.
- Martin Daufresne, IRSTEA, UR RECOVER, Aix en Provence
- Cédric Tentelier, UMR ECOBIOP, Anglet
- Taylor Stewart, University of Vermont, Department of Biology, USA
- Camille Anne Lise Leblanc, Hólar University College · Department of Aquaculture and Fish Biology, Islande
Current projects
SELUNE Multidisciplinary study of the Selune river restoration following the removal of two large dams | Timeframe : 2012 - 2028 Keywords : Connectivité / Cycle de vie / Dynamique des populations / Ecologie spatiale / Fronts de colonisation / Habitats essentiels / Interactions trophiques / Invasions biologiques / Migration / Restauration / Barrages / Biofilms / Communautés / Dispersion / Ecosystèmes / Individus / Macroinvertébrés / Phytoplankton / Plantes / Poissons / Populations / ADNe / Analyses de séries temporelles / Biologging / Capture, échantillonnage et inventaire / Génétique quantitative / Hydroacoustique / Isotopes stables / Marquage-recapture / Télémétrie |
Analyse Multicritère de l’effet potentiel des Obstacles à l’écoulement sur les communautés BIOlogiques | Timeframe : 2021 - 2024 Keywords : Connectivité / Ecologie spatiale / Habitats essentiels / Migration / Multi-stress / Réseaux d’interaction / Usages / Barrages / Communautés / Dispersion / Macroinvertébrés / Méta-communautés / Poissons / Analyses de séries temporelles / Bio-informatique / Développement de scripts / Géomatique / Modélisation statistique / Statistiques multivariées |
M.Sc. Students
BEDJRA, J-K (2023) Mise au point d'échantillonnage des habitats par échosondeur
NEDELEC, R. (2021) .Comportement et utilisation de l'habitat par le saumon adulte de retour en riviere, sur la Selune
DADURE, R. (2020) .Suivi de la migration de reproduction des aloses dans la Selune par radiopistage et hydroacoustique
BRUN, C. (2018) .Effets de deux stress (temperature et sediments fins) sur le developpement embryonnaire d'un salmonide
Ph.D. Students
MARI, L. (2018) .Reponse des stades embryonnaires d?une espece d?eau froide, l?omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus) au changement climatique
Selection of Scientific Products
Daupagne Léa, Furusawa Chiharu, Mieda Hironori, Kishida Osamu, Lasne Emilien, Tentelier Cédric, Koizumi Itsuro (2024). Form-assortative mating behaviors of individuals from parasitic and non-parasitic populations of Arctic lamprey ( Lethenteron camtschaticum ). Behavioral Ecology, 2024, 35 (6), pp.arae073. ⟨10.1093/beheco/arae073⟩
Stewart Taylor R., Brun Charles, Goulon Chloé, Baer Jan, Karjalainen Juha, Guillard Jean, Lasne Emilien (2024). Response of European whitefish embryos to thermal conditions diverges between peri-alpine populations. International Journal of Limnology, 2024, 60, pp.19. ⟨10.1051/limn/2024017⟩
Dhamelincourt Marius, Charles Maud, Boisneau Catherine, Daverat Françoise, Evanno Guillaume, Lambert Patrick, Lasne Emilien, Launey Sophie, Le Pichon Céline, Tentelier Cédric, Beaulaton Laurent (2024). Expertise sur les populations d'aloses et de lamproies : dynamiques des populations et identification des pressions VERSION NON DEFINITIVE. Pôle Gestion des Migrateurs Amphihalins dans leur Environnement, OFB, INRAE, INSTITUT AGRO, UNIV PAU & PAYS ADOUR/E2S UPPA (MIAME). 2024, pp.173
Rougemont Quentin, Perrier Charles, Besnard Anne-Laure, Lebel Isabelle, Abdallah Yann, Feunteun Éric, Réveillac Elodie, Lasne Emilien, Evanno Guillaume, Acou Anthony, Nachón David José, Cobo Fernando, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Launey Sophie (2024). Population genetics reveals divergent lineages and ongoing hybridization in a declining migratory fish species complex. 2024
Garaud Laura, Nusbaumer David, Marques da Cunha Lucas, de Guttry Christian, Ançay Laurie, Atherton Audrey, Lasne Emilien, Wedekind Claus (2024). Parental kinship coefficient but not paternal coloration predicts early offspring growth in lake char. Heredity, 2024, 132 (5), pp.247-256. ⟨10.1038/s41437-024-00678-1⟩
Rollet Anne-Julia, Lasne Emilien, Dufour Simon, Vrchovsky Paul (2023). Rôle des espèces ingénieures dans la restauration des habitats de la Sélune. Rennes 2; INRAE. 2023
Lasne Emilien, Tremblay Julien, Forget Guillaume, Anfray Mathieu, Michelot Armand, Deroyer Kévin, Chaubet Théo, Martignac François (2023). Comportement des géniteurs de saumons et utilisation de l'habitat lors de leur retour en rivière. INRAE. 2023, pp.48
Stewart Taylor, Charles Brun, Goulon Chloé, Guillard Jean, Lasne Emilien (2023). Response of whitefish embryos to thermal stress diverges between perialpine populations.. 15th International Symposium on Biology and Management of Coregonid fishes (ISBMC). 25-29 Septembre 2023, Evian-les-bains., Sep 2023, Evian-les-Bains, France