Ph.D. Student Theme(s) : Spatial dynamics, connectivity, habitat and functional area
Stakeholders information support for sustainable management of ecosystems
Address: UMR DECOD, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc Bât. 4, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France Keywords : Dynamique des populations / Ecologie spatiale / Interactions trophiques / Changement climatique / Ecosystèmes / Macroinvertébrés / Poissons / Populations / Analyses de séries temporelles / Bennes / Bio-informatique / Capture, échantillonnage et inventaire / Contenus stomacaux / Développement de scripts / Identification taxonomique / Isotopes stables / Statistiques multivariées |
Current position
PhD student in marine ecology. UMR Ecosystems Dynamics and Sustainability (DECOD) - L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers/INRAE/Ifremer.
Research team Fisheries Ecology (EH), L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers.
Research unit Ecology and Models for Fisheries (EMH), department of Biological Resources and Environment (RBE), Ifremer Centre Atlantique.
Thesis description
Biodiversity and Trophic carrying capacity of estuarine nursery grounds of the Channel and Atlantic coasts: the case study of Loire estuary over thirty year.
Current research axes
Direction: Hervé LE BRIS (UMR DECOD, L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, Rennes), Anik BRIND'AMOUR (UMR DECOD, Ifremer, Nantes)
My thesis research effort is composed of (1) a spatio-temporal study of biodiversity over two estuarine faunal compartments: the bentho-demersal ichthyofauna and the benthic macroinvertebrates and (2) their predator-prey relationship to quantify the trophic carrying capacity of estuarine nursery grounds.
I use the Loire estuary (French Atlantic coast - 47.3°N) as case study. I constituted a comprehensive database starting back in the 1980's and comprising scientific data collected over inventories and monitoring campaigns. These studies were initiated by Jocelyne MARCHAND (Nantes University) and carried on by Bio-Littoral consultant office along with the coastal campaign NURSE (Ifremer). The time series is extended with a present-day campaign (BioTroL - 2021) that I partly designed, executed and analysed.
Results obtained with the Loire estuary case study will be emphasized in a broader context by comparison with studies conducted on other European estuaries (Seine, Gironde, Tage, etc.) to frame the general context of estuarine nursery grounds. The goal being to grasp the importance of the estuarine transitional zone in sustaining fish populations across the European coastal ecosystems in the current human-induced global change context.
Unité Écologie et Modèles pour l'Halieutique, Ifremer, Nantes
Bureau d'études Bio-Littoral, Nantes
Current projects
| Timeframe : 2021 - 2024 Keywords : Biodiversité, Nourricerie, Capacité trophique, Benthos, poissons, Estuaire, Préservation, Recommandations |