

Theme(s) :
Population dynamics, life history trait, Ecology
Phone: +33 2 23 48 58 20 Email :
Address: INRAE, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Bât. 19, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Keywords : Dynamique des populations / Stress abiotique / Stress biotique / Traits d’histoire de vie / Traits phénotypiques / Ecosystèmes / Macroinvertébrés / Plantes / Poissons / Capture, échantillonnage et inventaire / Développement de scripts / Modélisation statistique

I work on the Hymobio project : integrate the impact of streams hydomorphological, physical and chemical variations on biological communities (fishes, macro-invertebrates, diatoms).

We aim to identify the determinants of communities ecologial status and quantify their impact through a multivariate approach integrating multiple environmental parameters and three biological compartments. 

Current projects

Analyse Multicritère de l’effet potentiel des Obstacles à l’écoulement sur les communautés BIOlogiques


Timeframe : 2021 - 2024
Keywords : Connectivité / Ecologie spatiale / Habitats essentiels / Migration / Multi-stress / Réseaux d’interaction / Usages / Barrages / Communautés / Dispersion / Macroinvertébrés / Méta-communautés / Poissons / Analyses de séries temporelles / Bio-informatique / Développement de scripts / Géomatique / Modélisation statistique / Statistiques multivariées

Past projects


  • Community Ecology,
  • Inferential and Bayesian Statistics,
  • Functional Ecology,
  • Population Dynamics


Selection of Scientific Products

Marcon Eric, Mirabel Ariane, Molino Jean-François, Sabatier Daniel (2024). Estimation of the number of tree species in French Guiana by extrapolation of permanent plots richness. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2024, 40, pp.e11. ⟨10.1017/S0266467424000099⟩

Mirabel Ariane, Girardin Martin, Metsaranta Juha, Way Danielle, Reich Peter (2023). Increasing atmospheric dryness reduces boreal forest tree growth. Nature Communications, 2023, 14 (1), pp.6901. ⟨10.1038/s41467-023-42466-1⟩

Marcon Eric, Mirabel Ariane, Hérault Bruno (2021). 30 Years of postdisturbance recruitment in a Neotropical forest. Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11 (21), pp.14448-14458. ⟨10.1002/ece3.7634⟩

Mirabel A., Hérault Bruno, Marcon Eric (2020). Diverging taxonomic and functional trajectories following disturbance in a Neotropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 720, pp.137397. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137397⟩

Yguel Benjamin, Piponiot Camille, Mirabel Ariane, Dourdain Aurélie, Hérault Bruno, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Forget Pierre-Michel, Fontaine Colin (2019). Beyond species richness and biomass: Impact of selective logging and silvicultural treatments on the functional composition of a neotropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2018.11.022⟩

Maréchaux Isabelle, Bonal Damien, Bartlett Megan K., Burban Benoît, Coste Sabrina, Courtois Elodie, Dulormne Maguy, Goret Jean-Yves, Mira Eléonore, Mirabel Ariane, Sack Lawren, Stahl Clement, Chave Jérôme (2018). Dry-season decline in tree sapflux is correlated with leaf turgor loss point in a tropical rainforest. Functional Ecology, 2018, 32 (10), pp.2285-2297. ⟨10.1111/1365-2435.13188⟩

Mirabel Ariane Sandrine (2018). Biodiversity Response and Resilience to Disturbance of a Tropical Forest. Sylviculture, foresterie. Université de Guyane, 2018. Français. ⟨NNT : 2018YANE0006⟩

Marcon Eric, Mirabel Ariane, Molino Jean-Francois, Vincent Grégoire, Sabatier Daniel (2016). Estimation of the number of tree species in French Guiana by extropolation of permanent plots richness. 26th Biennal meeting of the Caribbean academy of sciences, Nov 2016, Deshaies, Guadeloupe

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