
HERNVANN Pierre-Yves

Theme(s) :
Population dynamics, life history trait, Ecology
Fleets dynamics and socio-ecosystems uses
Stakeholders information support for sustainable management of ecosystems
Phone: 02 40 37 40 09 Email :
Address: Rue de l'Île d'Yeu, 44311 Cedex 03, Nantes
Keywords : Aire de répartition géographique / cascades trophiques / Dynamique des populations / Gestion intégrée / Interactions trophiques / Niche écologique / Réseaux d’interaction / Socio-écosystèmes / Changement climatique / Communautés / Ecosystèmes / Flotilles / Mammifères / Pêche / Poissons / Bio-informatique / Biomarqueurs et traceurs / Contenus stomacaux / Développement de packages / Développement de scripts / Isotopes stables / Modèles de réseaux / Modélisation mécaniste / Modélisation statistique

As part of the SEAWise project, I am working on the ISIS-Fish model for the Bay of Biscay to quantify the effect of the environment on the main stocks and fisheries in this region, and to identify alternative ecosystem-based fisheries management methods that are robust to climate change. This work involves several tasks:

-          The integration of the state of the art of the impacts of climate change carried out within the SEAwise project into the ISIS-Fish population dynamics module. Specific studies and meta-analyses will make it possible to represent the response to different environmental variables in the dynamics of exploited populations, such as spatial distribution, growth, condition or recruitment.

-          The Simulation of the impact of climate change on the Bay of Biscay ecosystem and the dynamics of the fisheries that exploit it. These projections will quantify the potential redistribution of effort, between fleets, trades and/or strategies, and space, in response to changes affecting the populations and communities exploited.

-          The coupling the ISIS-Fish model with the models used for stock assessments. This coupling will form the basis of an IEM loop (with ISIS-Fish as the operating model) for evaluating the performance of multiple management strategies identified in SEAwise in a context of climate change.

Ultimately, this approach will lay the foundations for ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Bay of Biscay, relevant to the mixed aspect of demersal fisheries and the environmental dependence of the pelagic fisheries it supports, and ready for the environmental changes to come in the coming decades.

Current projects


Timeframe : 2021 - 2025
Keywords : Cycle de vie / Dynamique des populations / Gestion intégrée / Interactions trophiques / Changement climatique / Ecosystèmes / Flotilles / Pêche / Politiques publiques / Modélisation mécaniste / Modélisation statistique

Past projects